The goal of this project is to promote meaningful interactions between people and nature while actively supporting key UN Sustainability Development Goals(SDG) by delivering sustainable bio-wall systems. These include SDG 3 (good health and well-being) by improving indoor air quality, SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) by creating healthier urban environments, SDG 13 (climate action) by reducing our carbon footprint, and SDG 15 (land-based living) by incorporating natural elements and sustainable practices.)

School of Design | Undergraduate Interior Design
Student: Yuchen Zhang
Faculty: Caleb Crawford
The image shows a general view of a modern pantry. It features an integrated bio-wall system dotted with vibrant greenery. The Bio-Wall was strategically placed in the bustling, high-traffic pantry area, where people often produce more carbon dioxide. This innovative system serves as both an aesthetic centerpiece and an air purification solution. As people gather and interact in this space, the Bio-Wall works to filter and freshen the indoor air, creating a healthier, more energized atmosphere. This demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and promotes improved air quality, a reduced carbon footprint, and harmony between people and nature. The Bio-Wall transforms the pantry into a vibrant and inspiring environment, ensuring that it meets both practical and health needs.
The image depicts the incorporation of the bio-wall system in the pantry space, a high-traffic area where people tend to generate a significant amount of carbon dioxide. By introducing the nature corner, the circulation of fresh air within the space is enhanced, effectively promoting improved air quality.
Project documentation.