Industrial infrastructure once defined Red Hook–economically and visually–as the center of commercial shipping in New York City. However, the decline of that industry, as well as the looming climate crisis, has led to questions of how Red Hook can be revitalized and refortified in the 21st century. This project transforms an old cement carrier–the Loujaine–into a center for oyster aquaculture, vertical aquaponics, and marsh restoration in the Erie Basin.
School of Architecture | Graduate Architecture
Student: Robin Piatt Stegman
Faculty: Alexandra Barker

Underneath the transformed Loujaine, oysters begin to populate bio-concrete skeletons. This underwater barrier protects the delicate ecosystem from strong waves during storms. The Billion Oyster Project wants to repopulate oysters in New York Harbor in order to help clean the water and promote biodiversity.

One of the reasons why Red Hook is such a vulnerable neighborhood in terms of climate events is because marshland was filled in to remake the coastline for industrial infrastructure. Stormwater and waves are more likely to cause flooding without those permeable borders. Here, we see how the wetland restoration in this project (and the underwater reefs) can help protect the neighborhood during future storms.

Section drawing of the ship, showing how the silos perforate the interior. This drawing shows how all of the systems interact with one another. The silos above the water support the farming systems; they create the framework for oysters to grow below the water. In the in-between spaces, the grid provides space for algae to grow. The silos act as pilings that anchor the vessel deep into the ground, providing a stable structure and a protective barrier.

A diagram showing how the aquaponics and oyster aquaculture work in a single silo. Vertical farm structures allow us to maximize the growing space. The fish in the pools below provide nutrients as the water is cycled back through the system.