This collection of student work collected for the Fall ’22 Pratt Earth Action Week is centered around issues of sustainability. Students explored a broad range of design strategies from thoughtful form-making to playful education approaches. Projects focusing on the built environment explored the integration of sustainable materials and the application of circular design strategies. The projects were gathered from across the Institute and were completed within the last year.
A Cultural Urban Instrument – Performative Scapes and Historical Setting: An Indigenous Dialogue
This thesis investigates the intervention of Performative Scapes into historical settings. It aims to initiate a poetic dialogue between the old-new, and the local-global, which imagines, transforms, and re-cultivates places of cultural significance. School of Design | Graduate Interior DesignStudent: Kavya GargFaculty: Neena Freedman The thesis is structured around the exploration of the many different…
A Journey of Form
School of Design | Graduate Interior DesignStudent: Linh NguyenFaculty: Tetsu Ohara Environmental sustainability was a prime concern at every stage of the design, from choosing a design language that would translate to minimal waste generated in production, to applying the display system to the site in a way that incorporates existing features and works with…
Acoustic Environment Modification of the Subway Corridor
School of Design | Graduate Interior DesignStudents: Yiming Zhang, He Xu, Yan HuangFaculty: Michael Zuckerman Since this space is fenced on both sides, there is no sound insulation, resulting in passers-by upstairs being able to hear the sound of the subway passing from downstairs, while passengers downstairs can hear the noise of the performers upstairs…